
New idea on decentralized identity and truth (Re: Numerifides)

New idea on decentralized identity and truth (Re: Numerifides)

Original Postby Tyler H

Posted on: June 10, 2018 22:32 UTC

Tyler H has proposed a feature to add Atlas as a punishment mechanism for eltoo channels in Lightning Network.

The feature is being discussed and hashed out on GitHub. Tyler H's idea is that any node can be queried for a mapping, which involves fulfilling a payment request made by the client. This would allow for decentralized, trusted hosting of data mappings, with the cost of longer paths or more queries being higher, making it fair. The database could also be shared among nodes for a price and redundancy. Additionally, queries for non-mapping information like restaurant recommendations could have potential use cases in the future. Feedback is appreciated. A discussion on proof of payment and trustless environments was also had, with ZmnSCPxj proposing an alternative idea involving advertiser nodes but noting its centralizing nature.