
New idea on decentralized identity and truth (Re: Numerifides)

New idea on decentralized identity and truth (Re: Numerifides)

Original Postby Tyler H

Posted on: June 7, 2018 04:01 UTC

The email thread discusses a proposed use case for Lightning, which involves adding a feature to the network that allows nodes to be queried for a mapping along with fulfilling a Lightning payment request.

The proposal suggests that this would allow for decentralized, trusted hosting of data mappings and would only be paid for by those who care about the mappings. Nodes must have inbound Lightning capacity to receive payments, and attackers cannot drain more than they have spent on their channels. To ensure that an advertiser is honest, a proof interface can be used to query how much the advertiser node owns in its channels. The proposal is compared to an alternate idea involving advertiser nodes, but it is deemed too centralizing. The database could also be shared among nodes for a price, where a Lightning node can offer to store data per hour and the person who wishes for redundancy can pay a Lightning invoice and provide the data.