
64 bit arithmetic soft fork

64 bit arithmetic soft fork

Posted on: January 13, 2024 14:26 UTC

The discussion highlights the consideration of implementing additional encoding for numerical values within covenant scripts on Elements.

It points out that while this may introduce some complexity, it also has potential benefits. Specifically, when dealing with complex covenants, computed values are frequently required to be compared or combined with values introspected from transactions. These transactional values typically adhere to LE64 or LE32 encoding formats.

There is an acknowledgment of the practical benefits gained from conducting computations in the same format as the stored transaction numbers. This approach facilitates easier comparisons and integrations between computed and introspected values. Moreover, having a uniform encoding standard can simplify the detection of overflows and related issues, thereby enhancing overall script reliability and robustness.

The insights draw from personal experience in designing covenant scripts for Elements, suggesting that the advantages of standardized encoding likely outweigh the initial complexity introduced by this practice. This standardization ensures consistency in how numerical data is handled throughout the scripting and transaction processes, leading to more predictable and manageable outcomes.