
Making OP_TRUE standard?

Making OP_TRUE standard?

Original Postby Christian Decker

Posted on: May 17, 2018 17:35 UTC

A Bitcoin developer, ZmnSCPxj, posted on the bitcoin-dev mailing list regarding a proposal by Rusty Russell to prevent coins from being spent in the same block they are created.

Another developer replied proposing that SIGHASH_NOINPUT would address this problem, rendering the proposed solution unnecessary. However, ZmnSCPxj argued that there may still be use cases for the proposed solution in the Lightning network. Specifically, it could be used to include an OP_TRUE output in every funding transaction, which could then be used to increase the fee if necessary. This would avoid the need to create a new transaction and track which one gets confirmed. The poster acknowledged that this solution might not work in cases where the funding transaction has a change output, but this was expected to be rare. In those cases, a Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) transaction including the change output could be used instead.