
Making OP_TRUE standard?

Making OP_TRUE standard?

Original Postby Jorge Timón

Posted on: May 10, 2018 09:33 UTC

In a recent email exchange on the bitcoin-dev mailing list, Rusty Russell raised an issue with the lightning protocol and its ability to predict future fees.

He suggested a solution of including a 546 satoshi OP_TRUE output in commitment transactions, which would allow for minimal fees and the use of CPFP (Child Pay For Parent) to increase fees when needed. However, he noted that this would require P2SH (Pay-to-Script-Hash) at the moment, as raw 'OP_TRUE' is non-standard. Jorge Timón replied, questioning the practical difference between sending to op_true and giving the coins as fees directly. Rusty did not address this in his initial email and asked if there were any reasons not to suggest the policy change.Although Jorge questioned the practicality of Rusty's proposed solution, he did not oppose making it a standard practice. The main issue at hand was the difficulty in predicting future fees in the lightning protocol, and Eltoo was mentioned as a potential solution. However, until that is implemented, including an OP_TRUE output in commitment transactions could be a viable workaround. Currently, this would require P2SH, but Rusty asked if there were any objections to suggesting this as a policy change.