
[BUG]: spammers get Bitcoin blockspace at discounted price. Let's fix it

[BUG]: spammers get Bitcoin blockspace at discounted price. Let's fix it

Original Postby DoctorBuzz1

Posted on: January 7, 2024 20:55 UTC

When examining the concept of dust transactions within the realm of BRC-20 and other similar protocols, a proposed solution revolves around adjusting the IsDust function or more specifically, the GetDustThreshold.

The suggestion entails modifying this function to align with the intended purpose as outlined in code comments, which delineates that a transaction should be considered 'dust' if its value falls below the transaction fee threshold. This change could potentially address some of the issues that have been identified with these types of transactions.

The intricacies of child-parent transactions are highlighted as a significant challenge to this approach. These transactions can complicate the implementation of the proposed changes due to their interdependent nature. However, it has been noted that, while Lightning Network (LN) might also present complexities, it is believed that LN could adapt to such changes without substantial difficulty. Unfortunately, the visual content provided in the form of an image cannot be processed for additional context or information.