
Signing a Bitcoin Transaction with Lamport Signatures (no changes needed)

Signing a Bitcoin Transaction with Lamport Signatures (no changes needed)

Original Postby Andrew Poelstra

Posted on: May 6, 2024 16:48 UTC

In a detailed exploration of Bitcoin's post-Taproot script capabilities, David A.

Harding highlights the potential for scripts to verify a trace of any program execution, given that the elements it deals with are confined within 4-byte CScriptNums. This opens up possibilities for implementing complex cryptographic functions like SHA2 and ECDSA directly within Bitcoin scripts by utilizing transaction data. However, Harding notes the practical limitations of this approach, including the likely necessity of exceeding 4 megabytes of script size and employing sophisticated techniques akin to BitVM to achieve such functionality. The discussion points toward an innovative yet challenging frontier in Bitcoin scripting, where only the script limits pose a barrier to the implementation of covenants and other advanced features.

Prior to the Taproot update, the Bitcoin scripting system was significantly more constrained, capped at 201 opcodes, rendering such ambitious scripting feats out of reach. However, with Taproot, the theoretical groundwork is laid for more intricate scripts that could emulate functionalities akin to those of traditional programming languages, albeit with significant technical hurdles to overcome. Harding humorously suggests the possibility of replicating a Lamport signature within a Taproot output and employing non-equivocation slashing conditions as a novel method to secure transactions, albeit acknowledging the speculative nature of these ideas.

Andrew Poelstra, Director of Blockstream Research, is also mentioned, providing a point of contact for further inquiry into these advanced scripting concepts. The inclusion of a whimsical note on the perpetual sunshine in space by Justin Lewis-Webster adds a light-hearted touch to the otherwise technical discourse. For more information on Andrew Poelstra's work and insights into Bitcoin research, one can visit Blockstream Research.