
Security implications of using pseudorandom JSON-RPC IDs

Security implications of using pseudorandom JSON-RPC IDs

Original Postby Ali Sherief

Posted on: April 7, 2024 05:57 UTC

Exploring the intricacies of how Bitcoin Core's RPC server handles UniValue JSON-RPC requests raises significant security concerns, particularly regarding the assignment and management of pseudorandom IDs for these calls.

This inquiry stems from a potential vulnerability where simultaneous JSON-RPC calls with identical pseudorandom IDs could inadvertently lead to the wrong response being dispatched to a user, thus compromising the integrity of the application's data exchange process.

Despite diligent search efforts within the Bitcoin Core GitHub codebase, clear documentation or examples illustrating the handling and storage mechanism for these JSON-RPC requests remain elusive. The lack of direct information necessitates a deeper investigation to understand the underlying architecture and safeguards Bitcoin Core employs to prevent such cross-contamination of responses among different users' requests.

Given the complexity of the issue and the potential security implications, it is imperative to obtain a thorough understanding of the JSON-RPC request handling process by Bitcoin Core. Ensuring that each request is accurately matched with its correct response, especially in scenarios involving pseudorandom ID generation, is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality and reliability of the system.