Your daily summary

Utreexod presents a pioneering full node implementation aimed at improving blockchain interactions through the integration of Utreexo accumulator support, featuring an optimized deletion algorithm for accumulators and a novel P2P transaction relay mechanism. This development, emerging from the btcd project, offers built-in wallet support via the BDK framework and Electrum server compatibility, though it faces challenges like potential consensus issues and the need for peer review before widespread adoption. The project encourages community participation with resources for setting up archival or bridge nodes available on GitHub.

The release of version 0.5.0 for libsecp256k1 introduces critical algorithmic improvements for key generation and signing, along with a new function for sorting public keys, significantly benefiting embedded system users. Detailed information on these enhancements, which promise to enhance performance and reduce resource consumption, can be explored further on their GitHub page.

Discussions led by Luke Dashjr and others delve into the intricacies of bitcoin's proof-of-funds and proof-of-sender mechanisms, highlighting the importance of maintaining security and privacy in transactions. Concurrently, debates around governmental influence on mining protocols, as raised by Fi3, and Ajtowns' exploration of a new output script type to ensure transaction efficiency and compatibility, underscore the ongoing technical and regulatory challenges facing the Bitcoin network. The community's collaborative spirit is evidenced through Satsie's interaction, emphasizing the value of shared knowledge and collective problem-solving in advancing blockchain technology.

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Active Discussions 🔥

39 replies

Authored by

Jameson Lopp


Peter Todd, Garlo Nicon+19 others

  • Testnet3 faces issues like reduced block rewards and an operational bug affecting mining difficulty.
  • Misuse for scammy airdrops has led to an unintended marketplace for TBTC.
  • Solutions include a testnet reset, fixing the bug, or transitioning to signet, pending community feedback.

13 replies

Authored by

Ethan Heilman


Andrew Poelstra, David A. Harding+2 others

  • Ethan Heilman discussed a new Bitcoin transaction signature method at MIT DCI.
  • The method uses ECDSA variable lengths, requiring around 1000 signatures for security.
  • It faces challenges like susceptibility to tuning and mix and match attacks, with improvements suggested.

8 replies

Authored by

Antoine Poinsot


Antoine Riard, Mark F

  • Antoine Poinsot initiated a discussion on the Great Consensus Cleanup through
  • Poinsot proposes reducing legacy transaction sizes to address slow block validation times.
  • He highlights the need to resolve the timewarp bug and ensure coinbase transaction uniqueness.

18 replies

Authored by



dgpv, wade-liwei

  • Rijndael's exploration introduced a demo vault utilizing OP_CAT on GitHub.
  • The system includes transactions with specific input/output conditions and validation steps.
  • It showcases potential blockchain enhancements through OP_CAT application and security mechanisms.

18 replies

Authored by



sipa, ajtowns+2 others

  • Chunking divides a graph into non-overlapping, topologically ordered sets with decreasing feerates.
  • Theorems suggest a unique chunking for any transactions' linearization and benefits of internal reordering.
  • Optimal chunking involves connected components with uniform feerate, indicating no further beneficial subdivision.

8 replies

Authored by



ajtowns, instagibbs

  • LIMO offers a novel approach by merging optimization techniques for cluster linearization.
  • It introduces simplistic single-set improvements, reducing computational complexity in merging.
  • The algorithm is adaptable, enhancing traditional linearization methods and supporting updates.

Today in Bitcoin/LN History

25 replies

Posted May 8, 2018 23:57 UTC

Authored by

Rusty Russell


ZmnSCPxj, Peter Todd+7 others

  • Rusty Russell addresses a fee prediction issue in the lightning protocol.
  • Proposes Eltoo and a 546 satoshi OP_TRUE output, but CPFP is hindered by CSV delays.
  • Suggests P2SH as a workaround and seeks feedback on the policy change.

7 replies

Posted June 7, 2018 02:27 UTC

Authored by

Tyler H



  • The author suggests a system using Lightning for decentralized identity, charging for node queries.
  • Payment per query aims to filter importance, costing more for frequent or longer queries.
  • Future applications could include paid submissions for recommendations, enhancing visibility for those willing to pay.

14 replies

Posted August 24, 2022 16:14 UTC

Authored by



ZmnSCPxj, RubenSomsen+1 other

  • Passive and active investments are two distinct strategies, each with unique management levels.
  • The blog highlights issues in passive investing, like the principal/agent problem and asset underutilization.
  • It discusses potential economic stabilization through central banks using a mix of inflationary and deflationary currencies.

All Activity

18 replies

Posted May 7, 2024 16:09 UTC

Authored by



sipa , ajtowns +4 others

The discourse surrounding the optimization of transaction order within blockchain technology delves into nuanced aspects of transaction graph analysis, introducing a refined framework for conceptualizing linearizations. This evolution in understanding brings to light the notion of partial linearizations as collections of topological subsets, encompassing both the empty set and the graph itself.

13 replies

Posted May 7, 2024 14:34 UTC

Authored by

Ethan Heilman


Matthew Zipkin, Andrew Poelstra+2 others

The discourse among experts such as Andrew Poelstra, alongside other contributors like Matthew Zipkin and Ethan Heilman, delves into the complexities of integrating advanced cryptographic functionalities like ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) within Bitcoin's framework, particularly in relation to tapscript. The conversation navigates through the technical intricacies and challenges presented by implementing such cryptographic methods, shedding light on the collective effort aimed at enhancing Bitcoin's capabilities while maintaining its security and efficiency.

Posted May 7, 2024 10:33 UTC

Authored by

Calvin Kim

Utreexod introduces a full node implementation that integrates Utreexo accumulator support, aiming to enhance the efficiency and functionality of blockchain interactions. This development features an improved deletion algorithm based on the original Utreexo paper, which is instrumental in optimizing the performance of accumulators.

5 replies

Posted May 7, 2024 05:15 UTC

Authored by

Fractal Encrypt


Ali Sherief, bitcoindevml.void+1 other

The discussion centers around the intricacies and potential enhancements of Bitcoin's RPC commands, specifically focusing on getrawtransaction with verbosity level 2 and decoderawtransaction. The getrawtransaction command is spotlighted for its ability to provide comprehensive details about transactions that are either pending in the mempool or have already been confirmed within a block.

Posted May 7, 2024 01:23 UTC

Authored by

Juan David Peña Melo

The Bitcoin network stores its transaction data in a series of files known as blk*.dat files. These files are created sequentially and contain raw block data, which includes all transactions that have been verified and added to the blockchain.

Posted May 6, 2024 18:44 UTC

Authored by


The recent proposal introduces three new modes to address specific needs in Lightning Symmetry applications, enhancing their functionality and efficiency. These modes include a 20 Byte Hash160 CTV, along with 21 and 33 Byte CTV options.

1 reply

Posted May 6, 2024 18:39 UTC

Authored by

Erik Aronesty



In the realm of cryptocurrency development, particularly concerning Bitcoin and its extensions like Litecoin, there's a growing interest in enhancing privacy features through dedicated improvement proposals. The focal point of this interest is the establishment of a bounty program aimed at addressing specific needs within this niche.

Posted May 6, 2024 17:35 UTC

Authored by

Tim Ruffing

The recent release of version 0.5.0 for libsecp256k1 marks a significant update, which can be viewed in detail on their GitHub page here. This update introduces algorithmic enhancements that notably improve the efficiency of key generation and signing processes.

3 replies

Posted May 6, 2024 10:00 UTC

Authored by



evoskuil , harding +1 other

The email discussion delves into the complexities surrounding the enforcement of centralized transaction selection mechanisms within decentralized mining pools, highlighting concerns over increasing centralization and its contradiction to the principles of blockchain technology. It particularly focuses on a scenario where a dominant entity could control a significant portion of transaction selections, leaving only a marginal space for independently chosen transactions.

4 replies

Posted May 6, 2024 04:15 UTC

Authored by



harding , murch +1 other

The recent discourse in the Bitcoin community has focused on the introduction of Cross-Input Signature Aggregation (CISA) and its implications for transaction efficiency and privacy. CISA is a proposed mechanism that allows for the aggregation of multiple signatures into one, thereby reducing transaction sizes and associated fees.

8 replies

Posted May 6, 2024 01:10 UTC

Authored by

Antoine Poinsot


Antoine Riard, Mark F

The discourse encompasses a detailed examination of the "forward block" proposal, its intentions to enhance Bitcoin's scalability and compatibility with older nodes, and the significant concerns surrounding the timewarp bug within the Bitcoin network. The proposal's primary aim is to introduce major protocol upgrades, such as proof-of-work modification, sharding, subsidy schedule smoothing, and flexible block size adjustments through soft forks rather than hard forks.

3 replies

Posted May 5, 2024 14:50 UTC

Authored by



Luke Dashjr, Ali Sherief

The conversation begins by addressing the misalignment between the actual usage of signed messages in Bitcoin's ecosystem and its intended purposes, particularly highlighting concerns surrounding Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. It suggests that for verifying ownership of withdrawal addresses, traditional methods such as user verification checkboxes could be more appropriate than demanding cryptographic proof, which is a deviation from practices accepted in traditional finance.

39 replies

Posted May 4, 2024 17:13 UTC

Authored by

Jameson Lopp


Luke Dashjr, Peter Todd+19 others

The conversation within the Bitcoin development community centers on various aspects of testnet3's functionality and potential future directions, touching upon its long-standing role in the ecosystem, operational challenges, and proposals for improvement. Testnet3 has been a crucial platform for developers, offering a sandbox environment to test new features and applications without risking real value.

8 replies

Posted May 4, 2024 14:55 UTC

Authored by



instagibbs , ajtowns +1 other

The Double LIMO algorithm, a sophisticated approach designed to optimize transaction linearization by addressing the challenges of traditional methods, introduces a series of novel concepts and mathematical frameworks. At its core, the algorithm utilizes set-linearizations—a method for organizing transactions with topological prefixes without demanding monotonically decreasing feerate.

3 replies

Posted May 4, 2024 11:53 UTC

Authored by



sipa, ajtowns

The correspondence highlights a significant gap in the formal documentation surrounding the process of message signing in Bitcoin, particularly regarding a method that predates the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) process. This method, informally known as the "Satoshi format" for message signing, lacks comprehensive documentation, leading to confusion and the reliance on code as the primary source of specification.

18 replies

Posted May 4, 2024 10:57 UTC

Authored by



dgpv , wade-liwei

The email conversation revolves around the application and analysis of programming techniques and tools in blockchain technology and transaction management. A significant focus is placed on Alloy, a model checker used to investigate the structure and behavior of a simple vault covenant within blockchain protocols.

Posted May 3, 2024 21:19 UTC

Authored by


The process of Coinjoin, a method used for enhancing privacy in Bitcoin transactions, is known to demand extensive interaction among participants. Recent research points to a potential simplification of this process by employing the SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY signature scheme, which notably reduces the number of steps required for a transaction.

2 replies

Posted May 2, 2024 15:14 UTC

Authored by



ajtowns , ZmnSCPxj

The conversation introduces an advanced cryptographic concept known as "exploding keys," aimed at enhancing Bitcoin transactions. This concept permits private key holders, identified as A, B, and C, to collaboratively agree on transactions through a unique mechanism that allows the transfer of the key under certain conditions, thus facilitating a more dynamic approach to transaction management.

2 replies

Posted May 2, 2024 10:29 UTC

Authored by

Ali Sherief


Edil GuimarĂŁes de Medeiros

The conversation delves into the complexities and considerations involved in using core to generate private keys and legacy transactions within a software framework. It touches upon the trust placed in core as a standard for transaction implementation, while also acknowledging the limitations of relying solely on one's own generated Core transactions due to the inability to cover all edge cases.

3 replies

Posted April 28, 2024 01:02 UTC

Authored by




The discussion delves into the intricacies of Lightning Symmetry channel scripts, comparing different approaches to optimizing these channels for efficiency and functionality. A key focus is on the LNHANCE-Symmetry and APO-Symmetry structures, highlighting their script structures and how they handle update transactions.

Posted April 27, 2024 03:12 UTC

Authored by

Anthony Towns

The latest version of Bitcoin Inquisition, 25.2, is now accessible and brings with it support for several proposed consensus changes aimed at enhancing the network's functionality. These include BIP 119, known as OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, BIP 118 titled SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT, and BIN-2024-1, also referred to as BIP 347 or OP_CAT.

Posted April 27, 2024 02:51 UTC

Authored by


The latest version of Bitcoin Inquisition, 25.2, is now accessible for download at GitHub. This release introduces support for several proposed consensus changes aimed at enhancing the functionality and security of Bitcoin transactions.

17 replies

Posted April 26, 2024 20:36 UTC

Authored by



MattCorallo , RubenSomsen +2 others

The conversation extensively covers the considerations surrounding Bitcoin payment addresses and their representation within URI parsing, specifically in light of proposed changes to BIP 21. A central point in the discussion is the optimization for handling different Bitcoin address types, including segwit bech32 addresses and the potential inclusion of taproot addresses. The emphasis on minimizing ambiguity and ensuring backward compatibility during upgrades introduces a methodological shift towards defining future address formats within query keys as optional payment instructions.

2 replies

Posted April 26, 2024 16:03 UTC

Authored by

Brandon Black


Garlo Nicon

The introduction of the OP_INTERNALKEY opcode is a significant development within the Bitcoin scripting landscape, particularly for enhancing taproot script spends. This new opcode, proposed in a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP), aims to facilitate direct access to the taproot internal key, thereby offering a more efficient method for executing certain transactions.

3 replies

Posted April 26, 2024 00:34 UTC

Authored by

Ethan Heilman


Ali Sherief

The Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) for OP_CAT has been a focal point of discussion within the cryptocurrency community. Ethan Heilman recently made a significant update to the proposal, specifically addressing the theoretical maximum of public keys that could be supported by OP_CAT scripts.

1 reply

Posted April 25, 2024 11:44 UTC

Authored by

Brandon Black


Andrew Poelstra

The discussion revolves around significant updates and proposals for Bitcoin's scripting capabilities, focusing on enhancing its functionality with new opcodes—OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS) and OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY (CSFSV). These proposed changes aim to introduce more versatile cryptographic signature checks within Bitcoin scripts, extending beyond the traditional transaction-based verifications.

94 replies

Posted April 25, 2024 06:42 UTC

Authored by

Ava Chow


LĂ©o Haf, Greg Tonoski+33 others

The recent discourse within the Bitcoin development community has underscored a pressing need to address existing bottlenecks in the Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIP) process. A salient point of concern is Luke Dashjr's acknowledgment of challenges in actively managing the BIPs repository, highlighting an urgent requirement for additional editorial support.

14 replies

Posted April 23, 2024 13:53 UTC

Authored by



ajtowns , RobinLinus +6 others

The update on the development of a domain-specific language (DSL) for Bitcoin highlights significant progress, including support for taproot outputs, enhancing both the creation and spending of these outputs. The latest release introduces a smaller Docker image size alongside various bug fixes in notebooks, marking an improvement in the usability and performance of the DSL.

Posted April 19, 2024 22:13 UTC

Authored by


Exploring the effectiveness and potential of model checking in analyzing and improving Bitcoin covenant implementations, a programmer delved into the use of Alloy, a tool known for its strong visualization capabilities and intuitive syntax. The focus was on a basic vault prototype that utilizes OP_CAT, an operation within Bitcoin scripting.

16 replies

Posted April 19, 2024 18:18 UTC

Authored by



ajtowns , jungly +6 others

The discourse centers on the utilization and optimization of weak block propagation in blockchain networks, particularly focusing on Bitcoin. The primary objective is to enhance the efficiency of block relay across the network by reducing the round-trip time necessary for transaction verification, thereby addressing discrepancies between nodes' mempool policies and miners' acceptance criteria.

9 replies

Posted April 18, 2024 10:56 UTC

Authored by



garlonicon , ProofOfKeags +3 others

The correspondence delves into the intricacies of a proposed protocol aimed at enhancing the security and efficiency of cryptocurrency transactions, juxtaposed against the LN-Symmetry (eltoo) mechanism. The primary focus is on the financial implications for honest participants in the ecosystem, particularly highlighting the potential for increased risks and costs.

2 replies

Posted April 17, 2024 17:04 UTC

Authored by

Gloria Zhao


Peter Todd

The recent updates in the Libre Relay and Bitcoin Core projects bring significant enhancements and new features for their users. The Libre Relay has introduced two key versions: 26.1, a stable update loaded with fixes and improvements, and 27.0rc1, a release candidate that offers experimental changes for developers and early adopters who wish to explore the cutting edge of technology.

Posted April 17, 2024 13:42 UTC

Authored by


The LRC-20 standard introduces a method for integrating additional data into Bitcoin transactions through the modification of public keys in Bitcoin outputs. This technique offers a new, streamlined, and efficient way for the issuance and transfer of tokenized assets on both Bitcoin and its Lightning Network.

4 replies

Posted April 16, 2024 02:01 UTC

Authored by

Bitcoin Error Log


Peter Todd, Isaac Eiter+2 others

The dialogue initially explores the technical and strategic challenges associated with integrating a direct transaction-relay infrastructure between Lightning nodes and miners, primarily focusing on potential misalignments in incentives. It highlights concerns over the introduction of privileged transaction-relay APIs, known as transaction accelerators, which prioritize transactions based on the reputation of mining pools rather than a standard fee rate market.

4 replies

Posted April 15, 2024 19:16 UTC

Authored by



vostrnad , Chris_Stewart_ +1 other

The discourse elaborates on the technical considerations related to the implementation of the leaf version byte in Bitcoin's scripting mechanism, particularly focusing on the taproot upgrade. It suggests a unanimous agreement towards committing to the entire set of flags represented by the leaf version byte.

12 replies

Posted April 15, 2024 17:35 UTC

Authored by



xBC , josibake +4 others

The discourse on asynchronous and threaded implementations in Rust programming for the BIP324 project reveals a nuanced exploration of concurrency models. The asynchronous model, facilitated by "green threads" through the Tokio runtime, contrasts with the proposed threaded version that operates on operating system threads.

5 replies

Posted April 15, 2024 15:20 UTC

Authored by



ajtowns , sjors

The resolution of an issue within the mermaid-js project, specifically documented under issue number 5339 on GitHub, has been confirmed. This particular fix was integrated upstream and verified against the development branch to ensure that there was no duplication or pending implementation, highlighting efforts to maintain code integrity and address issues promptly to enhance the reliability of the mermaid-js project.

5 replies

Posted April 15, 2024 13:46 UTC

Authored by



ZmnSCPxj , realorrandom +2 others

The ZPrice competition has become a notable event within the tech realm, particularly for those intrigued by Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs and their technological advancements. A project that stands out in this competition is one that leverages WebGPU to significantly enhance the speed of multi-scalar multiplication on BLS12-377 elliptic curves, a key operation for both the batch verification of ZK proofs and the efficient verification of digital signatures.

4 replies

Posted April 15, 2024 09:37 UTC

Authored by



sipa , bruno

The recent discovery of a bug in the Rust Bitcoin library, specifically documented as issue number 2681 on GitHub, marks a significant step towards enhancing the library's security and reliability. The issue underscores the importance of diligent vulnerability identification by developers and contributors to ensure the robustness of tools available for those working within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Posted April 12, 2024 20:28 UTC

Authored by


The overview of a new mempool design for Bitcoin and its potential impacts on network transaction handling has been the subject of significant analysis. A prototype cluster mempool implementation was compared against the current Bitcoin Core design through simulations using data from 2023.

1 reply

Posted April 11, 2024 09:54 UTC

Authored by




The project named Constellation is designed as an L3 protocol to improve the user experience (UX) issues inherent in the first two layers of blockchain technology. These problems include delays in transaction confirmations, increasing transaction fees, liquidity issues in channels, and throughput limitations.

Posted April 11, 2024 05:13 UTC

Authored by


The ongoing debate surrounding the storage of images, text, and other forms of data within Bitcoin's blockchain via inscriptions highlights a unique challenge. As it stands, approximately 20 GB of data has been inscribed on-chain, raising concerns among certain users and developers about the efficiency and permanence of these inscriptions.

2 replies

Posted April 9, 2024 23:35 UTC

Authored by

Ali Sherief


Antoine Riard

The forwarded email sheds light on a range of technical and security issues associated with the Bitcoin Core RPC protocol, specifically focusing on the use of pseudorandom JSON-RPC IDs and the potential vulnerabilities this practice may introduce. The discussion centers around the inherent risk in employing predictable or insufficiently random numbers for JSON-RPC request identifiers, which could lead systems to become susceptible to attacks such as replay and injection.

Posted April 9, 2024 21:40 UTC

Authored by

Antoine Riard

The discussion revolves around the security and operational aspects of vaults and time-locked wallets in the context of blockchain technology. Specifically, there is a focus on the vulnerability of these systems to timewarp attacks and the different mechanisms that have been proposed over the years to safeguard digital assets.

12 replies

Posted April 9, 2024 15:00 UTC

Authored by



harding , ClaraShk +4 others

The email discussion delves into the complexities of estimating transaction fees in cryptocurrency networks, with a focus on Bitcoin. It starts by questioning the efficacy of using median or average fees to predict future transaction costs, highlighting the risk of overpaying and the aim to optimize fee estimation to avoid this.

15 replies

Posted April 8, 2024 13:27 UTC

Authored by



bytes , sjors +5 others

The dialogue initially focuses on the substantial support for Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 320 (BIP320), with about 94% of the last 10,000 blocks signaling approval. This level of endorsement suggests a strong consensus among miners about the proposal, highlighting the engaged and technically proficient blockchain community.

5 replies

Posted April 2, 2024 14:52 UTC

Authored by



doglegs , ZmnSCPxj +1 other

The innovative protocols discussed, namely swap-in-potentiam (SIP) and payjoin-in-potentiam (PIP), aim to enhance the efficiency of channel opening in cryptocurrency transactions on the Lightning Network. The underlying principle of SIP is that it allows for 0-confirmation (0-conf) off-chain operations given that all inputs are from swap-in-potentiam funds.

3 replies

Posted April 1, 2024 19:17 UTC

Authored by




The discussion in focus addresses the intricacies of implementing payjoin parameters within bitcoin URI schemes, emphasizing the need for an optimal URI encoding method. The primary challenge lies in ensuring that the resulting QR codes, generated from these URIs, remain efficient and easily scannable.

14 replies

Posted April 1, 2024 06:02 UTC

Authored by



ZmnSCPxj , prozacchiwawa +4 others

The correspondence presents a detailed discussion on programming constructs, particularly focusing on blockchain technology, including Bitcoin scripts, Chialisp, and the integration of Lisp. It begins with a playful naming suggestion for a programming construct, "Thcript," before delving into more complex topics such as the differentiation between consensus code and supplementary infrastructure in software development.

Posted March 31, 2024 17:31 UTC

Authored by

Peter Todd

The process of executing a free-relay attack on nodes, particularly miners with larger than default mempools, involves a series of strategic transactions designed to exploit lower-than-normal minrelayfees. The initial step in this strategy is to publish a transaction (referred to as tx A) that offers an unusually low fee-rate, deliberately set below the typical minimum relay fees.

14 replies

Posted March 30, 2024 05:32 UTC

Authored by



harding , ajtowns +4 others

The discussion provides an in-depth analysis of several key areas related to blockchain and Bitcoin transaction optimization, encompassing both theoretical frameworks and practical implications. It begins by addressing the concept of rolling batches from exchanges, illustrating potential fee savings despite the possibility of needing to reissue transactions due to changes in payment amounts or outputs.

13 replies

Posted March 30, 2024 05:23 UTC

Authored by



ProofOfKeags , orkunkilic +4 others

The discussion on integrating OP_EXPIRE transactions within blockchain systems acknowledges their importance in enhancing operational efficiency by ensuring these transactions are processed promptly. It is widely agreed that such transactions should carry a high fee rate to secure their place in the next block, highlighting the necessity of optimizing transaction fees for the reliability of blockchain operations.

41 replies

Posted March 30, 2024 05:09 UTC

Authored by



sanket , rustyrussell +5 others

The discussion delves into the complexities of cryptocurrency systems, focusing on blockchain technology and mining operations. It begins by highlighting concerns over a proposal criticized for its foundational approach, emphasizing the need to address broader issues.

19 replies

Posted March 29, 2024 20:48 UTC

Authored by

Peter Todd


Nagaev Boris, Antoine Riard+2 others

The discussion initially focuses on the challenges of scaling Bitcoin payments, specifically for users with low-cost Android devices facing limitations in validation resources. It underscores the complexity of assessing potential attack costs on the system, stressing the need for a comprehensive threat model to compare various design alternatives.

1 reply

Posted March 28, 2024 19:16 UTC

Authored by

Antoine Riard


Peter Todd

The discussion initiated by Peter Todd concerns CVE-2017-12842 and the broader issues surrounding vulnerability disclosure and patching within the Bitcoin Core community. Todd highlights a critical perspective on the severity of CVE-2017-12842, questioning its practical significance compared to the effort and resources required for exploitation.

25 replies

Posted March 27, 2024 18:42 UTC

Authored by



murch , moonsettler +5 others

The discussion on Bitcoin's transaction fee structure and the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) set size delves into crucial aspects of blockchain technology and network economics. It begins with an analysis of the witness discount mechanism within the Bitcoin network, highlighting concerns about its impact on transaction fees and network resources.

3 replies

Posted March 27, 2024 14:47 UTC

Authored by



glozow , instagibbs

In the discussion of evolving programming framework versions, particularly the transition from version 3.1 to version 4.1c, there's a clear focus on refining system topology constraints. The shift in design philosophy from prioritizing simplicity and small scale to allowing for complexity and larger configurations, as long as performance remains unaffected, marks a significant evolution.

4 replies

Posted March 27, 2024 12:20 UTC

Authored by

Martin Habovštiak


Fabian, Peter Todd+1 other

Peter Todd highlights the vulnerabilities in transaction sponsorship services, focusing on the potential for services to exploit users by replacing their transactions without proper sponsorship once payment is concluded. This practice risks the reliability of such services, as users may not receive the support they expect for their transactions.

23 replies

Posted March 23, 2024 22:50 UTC

Authored by



roasbeef , ProofOfKeags +9 others

The dialogue on Bitcoin's development landscape underscores the tension between traditional financial entities' growing interest and the cryptocurrency's foundational principles. This dynamic introduces challenges in maintaining Bitcoin's protocol integrity against potential manipulation by wealthier, influential actors.

9 replies

Posted March 22, 2024 09:23 UTC

Authored by



murch , remyers

The exploration into optimizing cryptocurrency transactions has yielded significant insights across various aspects of transaction management and efficiency enhancement. The analysis of algorithms such as Branch and Bound (BnB) and CoinGrinder (CG) demonstrated their effectiveness in reducing total fees and median input counts.

8 replies

Posted March 21, 2024 08:57 UTC

Authored by



xBC , laanwj

The recent enhancement of the Bitcoin Core development wiki introduces a new section focusing on GitHub alternatives for repository backups and tooling. This initiative provides developers with an array of tools and platforms, both proprietary and open-source, to ensure their work is securely backed up outside of GitHub.

1 reply

Posted March 20, 2024 20:42 UTC

Authored by

Or Sattath


Antoine Riard

The collaborative research highlighted in a paper on arXiv brings to light the potential threat quantum computing poses to blockchain security through the lens of a 51% attack scenario. The paper, contributed by authors including Bolton Bailey, examines the feasibility of a quantum miner leveraging significantly less computational power than traditional miners to undermine a blockchain network.

16 replies

Posted March 19, 2024 20:38 UTC

Authored by



michaelfolkson , instagibbs +8 others

Recent advancements and proposals in the programming and cryptocurrency domains have introduced several innovative concepts aimed at enhancing blockchain technology. A notable development is the modification of the rust-bitcoin-script to include an implementation of the LN symmetry script, which simplifies accessing the correct byte format for script-related operations despite some inaccuracies in byte counts.

2 replies

Posted March 19, 2024 15:04 UTC

Authored by

Peter Todd


Antoine Riard

The discussion surrounding Lightning Network (LN) transactions, specifically second-stage transactions such as HTLC-preimage and HTLC-timeout, brings to light the challenges associated with bandwidth consumption when a HTLC-preimage is broadcast close to its expiration. This situation forces routing nodes to automatically broadcast an HTLC-timeout transaction, potentially leading to a waste of bandwidth for transactions with low chances of being mined.

47 replies

Posted March 19, 2024 14:17 UTC

Authored by



moonsettler , halseth +10 others

The Bitcoin Core PR review club meeting scheduled for March 20, 2024, will focus on the implementation of the OP_INOUT_AMOUNT opcode, which represents an advancement in handling satoshi values within transaction scripts. This includes the retrieval of satoshi amounts as int64_t values and their conversion into minimally encoded CScriptNum, with an adjustment to the nMaxNumSize parameter to support 8 bytes.

8 replies

Posted March 19, 2024 00:58 UTC

Authored by



josibake , bramcohen +3 others

In the blockchain programming arena, Simplicity and Chia Lisp are emerging as pivotal languages due to their innovative approaches towards privacy, efficiency, and flexibility. Simplicity employs a "pruning" technique using a Merkle Tree structure to eliminate unexecuted program branches, enhancing privacy and reducing on-chain data footprint.

8 replies

Posted March 18, 2024 17:53 UTC

Authored by



ProofOfKeags , Chris_Stewart_ +1 other

The conversation opens with a focus on the application of property-based testing in programming, specifically targeting 64-bit arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction (OP_ADD, OP_SUB). This method is highlighted for its simplicity and practicality, offering an accessible entry point for those new to property-based testing.

6 replies

Posted March 14, 2024 19:10 UTC

Authored by



ariard , MentalNomad

The discourse around the security of online communication, especially concerning sensitive information such as zero-day vulnerabilities, underscores the importance of encryption in protecting confidentiality. Despite the lack of end-to-end encryption support on a discussed platform, the introduction of the Discourse Encrypt plugin offers a partial solution by encrypting message contents between participants.

9 replies

Posted March 14, 2024 06:07 UTC

Authored by



ursuscamp , ProofOfKeags +2 others

The exploration of cryptographic accumulators highlights the necessity for practical implementations to often include a trapdoor mechanism, which poses security concerns that can be mitigated by using multiparty computation to distribute trapdoor knowledge. This approach, however, complicates achieving non-custodial or trust-minimized systems due to the requirement for all participants to be simultaneously online.

Posted March 13, 2024 23:17 UTC

Authored by

Nagaev Boris

Last year, the discovery of the replacement cycling attack posed a significant challenge to the analysis of the mempool and Lightning Network (LN), revealing the complexity of ensuring LN's security. Despite initial optimism, proposed solutions to this problem have proved ineffective upon closer examination.

2 replies

Posted March 12, 2024 22:42 UTC

Authored by



Chris_Stewart_5, ProofOfKeags

The discussion around Bitcoin's scripting language focuses on enhancing its type system to address current limitations and improve transaction handling, particularly regarding covenants. The traditional Bitcoin script operates without explicit type information, relying on implicit types that can lead to operation failures if inputs are not as expected.

1 reply

Posted March 12, 2024 18:47 UTC

Authored by




The initiative to develop a reliable Autonomous System Mapping (ASMap) file for future releases has made considerable progress, primarily utilizing tools such as Kartograf and sipa’s asmap-tool. These tools are pivotal in gathering and processing the necessary data to create a dependable ASMap file suitable for official use.

5 replies

Posted March 10, 2024 05:27 UTC

Authored by



moonsettler , martinschwarz +1 other

The text delves into the complexities of Bitcoin transactions, particularly focusing on the strategies employed during Bitcoin fork scenarios to incentivize miners through economic means. It introduces a novel approach wherein participants offer miners higher transaction fees to encourage them to mine on a specific side of a blockchain fork.

9 replies

Posted March 7, 2024 12:52 UTC

Authored by



cmd , realorrandom +2 others

The email discussions revolve around several key improvements and clarifications in the realm of cryptographic nonce generation, session management, and the efficient handling of Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PSBTs) within various proposals and implementations. One significant point of discussion is the renaming of a variable to psbt_session_id to avoid confusion and enhance clarity regarding its purpose.

1 reply

Posted March 7, 2024 12:29 UTC

Authored by




The discussion revolves around the complexities and vulnerabilities associated with nonce reuse in concurrent signing sessions, specifically within the context of cryptographic signatures. It is highlighted that extracting a signing key from merely two signatures that employ the same nonce is unfeasible due to the insufficiency of equations relative to unknowns.

1 reply

Posted March 4, 2024 16:29 UTC

Authored by




A recent development in the blockchain technology sphere introduces ortty, a novel tool catering to users who have a preference for command-line interfaces (CLI) and hold an interest in Ordinals Inscriptions. This tool stands out by offering a dual approach: an interactive explorer for those inclined towards a more hands-on exploration of the blockchain and a scriptable CLI for users looking at batch operations or larger scale inscription viewing and extraction.

3 replies

Posted March 3, 2024 11:48 UTC

Authored by



moonsettler , moonsettler

The dialogue concerning the flexibility and expressiveness of Bitcoin's transaction signing process highlights a few notable proposals aimed at enhancing the system. One primary issue identified is the comparison of current capabilities with something like TXHASH, emphasizing the need for more nuanced control over transaction signatures, particularly through the introduction of new flags without necessitating a script version update.

3 replies

Posted March 2, 2024 03:01 UTC

Authored by



moonsettler , ZmnSCPxj +1 other

In the realm of digital currency systems, particularly those involving ecash schemes, ensuring privacy while maintaining practicality presents a significant challenge. The exploration of these schemes reveals a complex landscape where fungibility and trust play critical roles.

3 replies

Posted March 1, 2024 18:12 UTC

Authored by



bytes , cdecker+1 other

In the intricate ecosystem of Bitcoin's network, DNS seeds play a crucial role in ensuring the system's stability and security by facilitating the initial connection process for new nodes. These seeds help new nodes find peers to connect with, thereby integrating them into the larger network.

8 replies

Posted March 1, 2024 14:48 UTC

Authored by



bytes , recent +3 others

The discussion delves into the intricate workings of Bitcoin's blockchain technology, highlighting several key functions and processes that ensure the network's efficiency, security, and integrity. A primary focus is on the BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs function, which plays a critical role in the transaction selection algorithm for upcoming blocks.